Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Fiscal Year

Well, according to my employers that's what today is anyway. It's also Canada Day, so to my Canadian friends - happy day, eh.
This past week hubby has been out of town for a conference in Chicago. He's having fun and it's well deserved. In a few weeks we traverse back to NY to see friends, family and attend a wedding.
I've recently gotten hooked on a Brit TV show called MI-5 (called Spooks across the pond)It's great and love it. Also have been catching up on A Bit of Fry and Laurie. It is truly HIGH LARRY US.
Lil girl is spending the summer at day camp while lil man still goes to pre-k daycare. Can't believe he's 4. Blows my mind.
A new bobble head hangs out with Benjamin Linus now at my cubicle, Richard Alpert. Now, do I get Dr. Chang or Daniel Farraday? (ponders in thought)
Still thinking about my LOST write up. I know you are dying to know...

Til I figure it out...see you on the flipside.

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